Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Pastor!

Happy Birthday today to Pastor Troy. The biggest motivator and challenger ever for me. Thanks for your leadership and direction the last 12 years.

Say a prayer right now for Pastor Troy, Stephanie, Tyler, Carson and Baylee. Pray that they continue to lead Flamingo Road Church with the passion that has carried us through the last few years of amazing growth. Pray for continued creativity and energy and wisdom as Pastor dreams into the future for Flamingo.

How old you ask..100-60=???

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Starbuck's SUCCESS!!!

Last night we played and payed at Starbuck's in Hallandale Beach. What a success last night. I spoke to no less than 6 families who are interested in checking FRC out. Paulo did a phenomenal job putting together an A-team band. Yolanda hit it out of the park by getting a dozen or so Hallandale Beachers to the store to create energy...Happy Birthday Yo! The managers, Chris and William, were as awesome as usual. Chris starts working at the Starbuck's corporate office next week as the marketing guy for the region...this could be big for Flamingo Hallandale Beach. Thanks to all who attended and supported...we have a great team. See you Sunday.

Back Home in S. FLA

We made it. We are back in the saddle at home. California was nice. The conference went well. I had the honor of leading over 100 small group folks form all over the map in a workshop about getting started and transition. It's hard to believe that some churches are just starting to move in this direction.

The picture from a previous post was from a CA trip Sonya and I took a year and a half ago. The red faces were from a convertible ride to San Diego. We didn't do as much sight-seeing this time but we did go to Hollywood. The picture here is The Kodak Theater, A.K.A. American Idol Place. The Oscars are there Sunday night and they were getting the place ready for the red carpet and the celebs.

Man is it good to be home. See you Sunday!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How Time Flies

Sonya and I are in Southern California for a few days at Saddleback's Small Group Conference. I will be leading a workshop on Wednesday that focuses on Transitioning from a Sunday School/on campus model of small group to an off campus model. About eight years ago I attended a conference here at Saddleback with Pastor Troy while we were still in Arkansas. Today I prepare to lead a workshop. This is very humbling. God has been so huge in my life. Only a few of you know how far Sonya and I have come with God leading the way. Pray for us to have a great time together, we've been so busy since Hallandale Beach started and also pray for the workshop, I plan to make it a big ole' small group party with lots of action and fun...the way I like it.

Oh yeah! Thanks God right now for where He has taken you from and where He is taking you to. He is so AWESOME!!!

We Made It...

Lake Forest California is where I type from this morning at 4ish Pacific Time. Great day flying on Monday...very early start...very smooth flights. Although we weren't on the same flight as Pastor Troy and Carson...Sonya and I , too, had the split seat dilemma that Pastor Troy and Carson had. I, too, went to the service desk to see if they could put us together and they told me they would try to fix it. When I boarded the plane, we were still holding separate tickets. What did the Samster do? The Samster took responsibility for his situation and switched seats with the nice man sitting beside problem. I learned the leadership quality of taking responsibility for your situation and initiating change when needed from Pastor Troy...I wonder how his flight went...

Sorry left that one on the rim.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 11

We are one day away from our 11th service at Hallandale Beach. This is going to be a cool weekend. It is week #2 of Tatooed and Pastor Troy will be teaching folks at all the Flamingo campuses about forgiveness and restoration from the scars that tatooes leave.
We also will join in with several couples at Hallandale Beach who will be renewing their vows and one couple will be getting huh? Over 150 couples are involved in vow redo this weekend at the campus'.
You know what I like the most about weddings? The cake! But why do they never serve ice cream with wedding cake? That's a crime.
Who are you bringing with you this Sunday? This is a great weekend to invite, invite, invite.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Welcome Hallandale Beachers

Thanks and welcome to those of you checking the blogspot for the very first time. What an awesome first 10 weeks we've had at the Hallandale Beach Campus.

  • 4 baptisms
  • dozens of decision for Christ on Christmas Eve
  • feeding over 400 people a week on Tuesday and Thursday
  • massive renovations to the campus
  • over 70 first time guests
  • averaging over 200 in attendance

It makes me wonder what God has in store for the next 10 weeks. Stay tuned in to find out. Here is the challenge...Don't spectate, get involved and participate in the area that excites you.

Let's partner together in prayer about who we can invite, how we can make them feel welcomed and for God to use us to make a Kingdom difference in HALLANDALE BEACH!!!

Post a comment about how God has used the Hallandale Beach Campus has impacted your life.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


The word for the day...EXECUTE. Pastor Troy spoke to the FRC Staff today about focusing on what we can control...our execution. We have total control over our planning, our recruiting, our training, our preparedness. We DO NOT have control over the number of people that will darken the doorways of an FRC campus this weekend. Yet, I am constantly guilty of judging my/the church's success by a number. It is simple...if I/we execute today...people attend tomorrow.

Week 10 of Flamingo Hallandale Beach is this Sunday. I'm hoping for 300, oops! I mean, I'm hoping for EXECUTION!!!

After all...It is what it is???