Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 11

We are one day away from our 11th service at Hallandale Beach. This is going to be a cool weekend. It is week #2 of Tatooed and Pastor Troy will be teaching folks at all the Flamingo campuses about forgiveness and restoration from the scars that tatooes leave.
We also will join in with several couples at Hallandale Beach who will be renewing their vows and one couple will be getting huh? Over 150 couples are involved in vow redo this weekend at the campus'.
You know what I like the most about weddings? The cake! But why do they never serve ice cream with wedding cake? That's a crime.
Who are you bringing with you this Sunday? This is a great weekend to invite, invite, invite.

1 comment: said...

God bless the pastors of Flamingo Road Church, for their love and dedication to service. And a special "Thank you" to the wives of these great men who "allow" us to share their men of God. "Thank you!"
Edwin Otero