Monday, June 11, 2007

Tomato Update

Intense drought followed by take-your-breath-away-heat followed by pounding rain has produced...I proudly present to you...the first sign of ripeness...

Post a comment on what should be done with the first ripe tomato...


Anonymous said...

I recommend Fedexing the first tomato to your favorite sister in Alaska. . .we never get juicy, red, ripe tomatoes!!!!

Mike Archer said...

Mail it to your boy from Marmaduke...Tony Gibson...chicken graveyard dude!

Anonymous said...

1.Get a loaf of Old Fashioned Sunbeam bread.
2.Get a jar of Duke's mayo.
3.Spread a heavy coat of mayo on the bread.
4.Slice the tomato and put it on the bread and mayo.
5.Put plenty of salt and pepper on the tomatoes.
6.Eat and enjoy!!!
There's nothing any better than a fresh tomato sandwich.
You've evidently done a great job with your tomato crop, Farmer Sammy. Congratulations!!!