Sunday, July 29, 2007

Big Week Ahead

I ask for you to pray for and get involved with the events of the next week:

  1. First Wednesday, Cooper City at 6, service at 7...let's represent the 33009!

  2. Friday AM...Gulfstream Middle in Hallandale...playing music and inviting to church.

  3. Friday PM...Hallandale Summer Camp Celebration at HBHS football field...playing music.

  4. Sunday 2 PM...Back to School, fun, away 200 backpacks full of supplies for school.

  5. Tuesday PM...Crimewatch Night Out Fest in Hallandale...our Student Ministry will be giving away water and church invites.

Let's bring 'em in!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Opp

This week the Summer Camp Director at Hallandale Beach contacted me about our campus being involved in their Summer End Event at the football field next Friday night.

We will be:

  • Giving away water to the 1000+ expected to attend.

  • Putting info cards for Flamingo Hallandale in peoples hands.

  • Vaughn and Cristian will lead the band on stage from 7:30-8:15.

I never thought that the city would approach us this soon for help. That is a result of your hard work at the Beach Bash and the renovated building people see on HB Blvd.

Way to go FRCHB!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mark Your Calendar

  • Sunday, August 5th

  • Back to School Picnic

  • 2:00 PM

  • Hallandale Beach Campus

  • Bounce Houses

  • Balloon Artist Clown

  • Face Painting

  • Burgers and Dogs

  • All FREE!!!
We are inviting students and families from Gulfstream Middle in Hallandale Beach to get a backpack full of school supplies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What happens... tomato plants in South Florida when you go on vacation and they don't get watered?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We're Back!

The Waller's are back from a week away at Disney. We had a great time with some friends of ours from Arkansas, the Archer's. Mike played a huge role in me becoming a Christian. We were neighbors with the Archer's for several years. They are very near and dear to my family and it was good to catch up this week. I never thought we'd have such a restful, adventurous, funny, memorable time with 9 people in one house...but I was wrong. God blessed us with a great time away with some amazing friends from way back.

Things to look forward to at Hallandale:

  • I will be teaching "LIVE" this Sunday. Patience is the topic...I ran out of that long ago...

  • On August 3rd we are going to be a part of the Back to School Orientation at Gulfstream MS...we are playing music and inviting families to our picnic.

  • On August 5th we will be having a picnic at 2 PM and inviting students from the area schools to come for free school supplies.

  • This fall we are doing the biggest series ever at Flamingo...The Naked Pastor...this series will be HUGE!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Have a super day. Thank God for our independence. Myself...I'm going to enjoy some home-made ice cream, God Bless America!

Monday, July 02, 2007

HB Campus Weekend Recap

Weekend Notes:

  • *Alejandro and Ada Diaz (pictured) pastored our first Spanish service with 79 in attendance...Welcome!
  • *Our volunteers at the beach gave away over 5000 church invite cards, wind-twirlers, tattoos, glow sticks, sunscreen packs, etc....

*3 people came to church Sunday with their card from the beach to get their $10 Starbuck's card...all said they'd be back!

*Vaughn was seen with a lady at the beach that was not his mother or sister, and yes, he wore a jacket.

*I met the mayor and 4 other city officials who were very impressed with our showing at the beach bash.

*Let's build on this momentum and get ready for a back to school event in August.

*I have a meeting this week with the middle school principal in Hallandale to plan an event with them...pray for that.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hallandale Beach Bash Pix

A never-forget day! Good work Hallandale Beach Campus...the city took notice of your hard work...Go God!