Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What happens... tomato plants in South Florida when you go on vacation and they don't get watered?


Anonymous said...

Well... look on the positive side... you steel having 4 great orange cans, a great structure to support a completly new plant and as far as I can see on the picture, you have 3 tomatoes left to get the seeds! :) (For future references think of Hydrophony during vacations) :)

Anonymous said...

Guess that shows you ya gotta keep taking care of business even when you're away having fun.

The roots are probably still good. A little nourishment, some pruning and the tops will come back. Oh yeah,.......a little prayer would help

Anonymous said...

Sad...but funny! Its also away God is telling us that if someone puts Gods aside ....we can be end up like that.